Last week, I shared with you some of my doodles of colourwork designs and patterns in my Summer 2011 notebook. In this notebook of mine, I also had a lot of doodles during lectures or talks that I went to. I have a nasty habit of drawing what people are wearing next to me (see the roses two pages down) or the room I'm in, or the lecturer. haha. They are mind triggers, and help me remember being there. Also, I'm a big believer in taking notes! I find I remember things better if I write them down. So anything that is relevant to me- key words, favourite phrases, and thoughts while I'm listening to a talk all go down in note-form. (Often accompained by arrows or boxes or other doodles!)Yup- I'm that girl at the front, jotting down notes like a regular Hermione! No shame in that!! :]
**Copied from ArtEqualsHappy**
I get a weird thrill from notetaking, I'm definitely a Hermione too! My notes aren't as interesting as yours though. x